Wednesday, 31 August 2011

A Not Very Interesting Update...

     Hey guys, not very much to report here right now. I have been very lazy lately and have not really been working on anything. THe documentry video is not gonna be up for a very long time so yea. But I do have some exiting news for you guys. Some of you may have seen my Halo Legends: Origins- "My Last Breath" video. Do me a favor and look at the views. Thats right, 8,400 views! Way more than I thought. Now for most youtube video makers, you must know that is not a whole lot, but it is my most viewed video. Therefore, for giving my music video that many views, I am going to be making another Halo Legends Music video. I can do this easily, because my current one was focused only on Origins. This music video is focused on all episodes. I will try to make it as good as HLOMLB if not better!
     I have also recently viewed a movie currently in theatres. A movie I consider one of the best movies I have ever seen. "Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes". If you have not seen this movie, get off your ass and go see it. Anyways, I am waiting anxiosly for it's release on DVD. Because once is comes out, I am going to be making a music video for it using "Waiting One" by All That Remains. Now I have attempted to release movie music videos before on youtube such as Walk The Line and Avatar. Maybe a week later, they're deleted. Bur I released Legend of the Guardians, and it is still up and running perfectly. So I am going to give it my all in this music video due to my love for that movie, and I promise you, it's gonna be EPIC! As soon as you hear its on DVD, keep an eye on my channel for it. When it's released, I recommend you watch it right then. I don't know how long it's gonna last on there.
      Other than those things, nothing really is going on here. I have been on minecraft quite a lot recently. I might release a video giving you guys a tour of my world. I'm still working on it right now, but once it's at least near completion, I will release it.
     Oh yeah, and another thing. I've released a FAQ on here. So stop sending me questions on youtube please unless it's not on here.
     One more thing. I've noticed how few subscribers I have, and it's making me depressed how low I am on youtube. If you like my video's, subscribe! Not that big a deal. But if you worked as hard as I do to give people these videos and only have 43 subs, you'd get a little unmotivated and put down too.
     Well thats all for this update. See you guys.

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